Final Frame for Lariat Lanes


Members of the ‪#‎USS_Czarak‬ (a chapter of Starfleet: the International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc.) where interviewed on our last bowling at Lariat Lanes. I think we have been bowling there pretty closest to 15 years. (…/the-final-frame-for-lariat-lanes/


2015 Minneapolis Wizard World


Members of the USS Imperium attended. (Still waiting for web banner of Guest 2015)

WWMPLS Comicon Pic’s for 2015

They are coming back May 6-8, 2016

Czar’ak/Behr’ak/Imperium Bowling 2015



Members of the USS Czar’ak, USS Behr’ak,  USS Imperium  had a fund time Bowling.  The Czar;ak lost to the Berh’ak by only 50 points.  After bowling we all enjoyed a meal at Royal Bangkok.

Here are some Photo’s:


Marscon 2015

Marscon 2015 Logo


Members of the USS Czar’ak and Members of the USS Imperium attended this years Marscon 2015 in Bloomington, MN.

There are pictures of Members of the USS Czar’ak and USS Imperium at:

There are also pictures from the Con at:


Czar’ak/Behr’ak Put-Put Challenge 2014

Members of the Czar’ak and Behr’ak held our Put-Put Challenge at Moose Mountain Adventure Golf at Mall of America

Here are some Photo’s:

We all had a fun time.

Valleycon 2014



Members of the USS Czar’ak and USS Imperium attend this years Valleycon, Fargo, ND.

There are pictures of Members of the USS Czar’ak and USS Imperium at:

There are also pictures from the Con at: and at Valleycon.


STARFLEET IC2014 in Rockford IL

IC2014 logo


Members of the USS Czar’ak and the USS Imperium attended this years IC In Rockford IL.

There are Pictures of IC and Members of Region 6 at:

2014 STARFLEET International Conference Rockford, Illinois, USA August 8-10, 2014 Flickr Photo page at:

There will also be pic’s on the SFI

CONvergence 2014

CONvergence 2014


Member from the USS Czar’ak, USS Imperium, USS St. George, and others have attended.


This is one place to see some of the photo’s from the con.


Console Room 2014


CONsole Room 2014
16-18 May, 2014
Hilton Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport Mall of America – Bloomington, MN

Guests of Honor – Sophie Aldred, Deborah Watling
Author Guests – Christopher Bahn, Dr. Arnold T. Blumberg, Graeme Burk, Lars Pearson, Robert Smith?, Kathryn Sullivan



Members of the USS Czar’ak attended


Con Photo’s

Wizard World Minneapolis 2014



Members of the USS Imperium attended Wizard World Minneapolis Comic Con.